HDS 1500

HDS1500HeubeDampfer HD13Equitana 2023 Urkunde Leserwahl 2023 Cavallo


-    Steaming of hay in round bales for feeding horses

-    Support therapy for respiratory diseases

-    Capacity from 5 to 60 horses/day



With the newly designed hay steamer HD13, round bales with a diameter of up to 1.4 meters can be reliably steamed.

This makes it possible for the first time to permanently supply larger stocks. The powerful system requires a cycle time of around 2 hours for a round bale.

For this purpose, the proven Gebhardt steam generators have been specially developed for use in hay steaming.

The hay steamer HD13 has sufficient power to steam large bales of hay reliably and quickly.

In terms of safety, it is designed for installation and continuous operation in agricultural operations and is ready for use within 1 to 2 minutes.

Direct drinking water connection, 400 V connection, complete stainless steel design and switchable frost protection device ensure problem-free continuous operation and guarantee reliable steaming.

With the help of the built-in timer and the three-stage power preselection, the desired process duration and the required amount of energy can be set precisely.



 The HDS 1500 complete set for professional steaming of round bales with a diameter of up to 1.4 m includes the following components :

•    Hay steamer HD 13

•    Pressure-tight steel container with steel floor (corrosion-resistant paint)

•    High quality food grade steam fittings

•    food-grade steam hoses for the entire system

•    Specially developed stainless steel steam lance



Your contact person:

Jens von Erden
Tel.: +49 7643 / 30 25 265
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.





Thumbnail Film Heu    
Hay Steaming    
TD entkalken    
How to clean an descale a steam gernerator    





Bild Flyer HDS1500 230812 Flyer HDS 1500
Cover Sonderheft 231201 Article from the magazine Pferdebetrieb special edition
" Hay steaming " - Possibility to improve the hygienic quality of roughage and bedding. (multilingual)
Cover Sonderheft 231201 Article from the publication of the 8th International Network Conference on Horse Knowledge at Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences
Topic: Possibilities for determining and optimizing stable air factors, especially dust




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